A Day In Sunny Tenby

After spending the week in Bluestone, we decided to spend the last day in Tenby which is about  25-minute drive. I used to visit Tenby often when I was a child, and so I was excited going back there but this time, with my own kids and my partner. The weather was absolutely fantastic. The sun was shining, and we spent most of our day on two beaches. The views were absolutely stunning and we couldn't have asked for better weather. It was truly beautiful.

My partner was supposed to have booked a hotel in Tenby on Thursday night but he fell asleep, and I didn't know he hadn't done it. The hotel was gone the following day, so we had to book one in Havordfordwest which was over 30 minutes away from Tenby, we were pretty gutted as we really enjoyed ourselves in Tenby. We're planning to visit again later this year or early next year. It's such a lovely place.

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