When you have children your washing pile gets bigger and it's hard to get the time to do it, especially if your children are on the go constantly and wanting attention! But Hey! that's the joys of parenting and we love it.
I can't stand housework but when everything is done then I feel really good of myself, especially if I have finished the washing. Although I always have laundry piles I absoloutley hate it! I look at it some days and think 'I'll just do it tomorrow!'. I never learn, as they just get bigger and bigger and I just regret it when they 'washing day' comes. Our washing machine is starting to break i'm sure as it makes such a rattle noise when it's on! You can see a range of washing machines if you click here.

If you have piles of laundry like me then maybe it's best to set a particular day to do your washing. I've got my clothes, 2 lots of childrens clothes and my partners work clothes so you can just imagine it does get piled! I do mine on Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I do eventually get on top of the washing by Friday or Sunday and it feels really nice.
If you despise doing the washing then maybe you could just pile them out by the washing machine in 'colours' 'lights' 'whites' and 'darks' then you would have to do them! This really helps me, especially if i'm not in a mood to do any washing.
Although I absolutely hate washing clothes, I hate keeping them even more! The folding and the keeping away feels like it takes forever but like I said earlier you feel good after it has finished. Instead of there being a pile of clean clothes in the basket waiting to be kept you could try and get yourself into a routine of keeping clothes straight after coming out from the tumble or the line outside.
If your clothes are clean why bother putting them in the wash? It's just going to make the pile even bigger! Just stick it back on the hanger or in the wardrobe and you can wear it again. I've done this plenty of times and I am sure other people have too. Really does save you on washing sometimes.
Put your basket somewhere that you can see and know that you will have to take it downstairs once it is full. If you put it somewhere that visitors can see such as top of the stairs or in the bathroom then you wouldn't really want them to see an over flown basket! So it could give you more motivation of keeping on top of your washing.
* In Collaboration with Spot Digital.
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