The last update of Mia you can read here. The past 3 months have been very stressful, and hard work. No progress at all actually. There was one week where she was good and I thought maybe just maybe she's getting better - but I was wrong, yet again. I couldn't wait until her appointment with the paediatrician again (12th august 2014). I was so ready for it, to make sure they understood everything I was saying, I even said i'd argue to my point across to! That is why I asked Iwans mam to come in with me for support and to keep an eye on Elliw too.
I got a phone call in the morning to say that Mia's paediatrician was off sick but there would be a registrar I could talk to instead. I was gutted, I felt like I wasn't going to go anywhere. Even though her paediatrician is hopeless if I'm honest!
Mia kept asking all the way there 'where are we going'. Once we reached the doors to the place she kind of had a good idea I think, especially when I told the receptionist her name for the appointment. However she did calm down and luckily we were the only ones in the waiting room so they both had all the toys to themselves!
We got called in and I was so nervous. I showed her the reward charts I had done for the past 4 weeks and showed her some notes i'd written incase I forgot anything. She asked me a lot of questions, I felt like crying because I was getting so stressed in explaining for the 100th time. However this time was different, she was actually really helpful. She explained everything and everything made sense! Finally we were getting somewhere.

Back to the update now! We have been given 60 sachets of Movicol to put Mia back on. This will be the 3rd time of trying this out but I have been given much better advice this time so I am confident I think that this time It will work. However she goes all the way up to 6 sachets a day, she hardly drinks. So I am going to find it quite difficult with her. Especially that Elliw tries to steal her drink all the time. She took her first one last night and I had to force her to drink her drink. I try not to put a lot of drink in there but enough so she can't taste the movicol.

She has an appointment with the constipation clinic within the next two weeks so another update will be up soon!
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